Oct 28, 2010

wiki GodFinger

Fininally, GodFinger is live on wiki webiste. that is what GodFinger is:
GodFinger is a game developed by Wonderland Software and published by ngmoco for the iOS platform.It is available for download on the iPhone, iPod touch and the iPad on the App Store or iTunes.Although a free app, customers are able to buy in-app purchases.

In GodFinger players take on the role of playing God. The player starts off at level 1, in control of their own planet. The aim of the game is to expand this planet, earn money, and buy decorations and buildings and gain experience to level up. Players are in control of followers that live on their planet. Players gain more followers as they level up or from building certain buildings. More buildings become available as the player levels up. Players are also in control of other powers such as terraforming the planet, rain, floods, lightning, sun and fire. These powers are gained and upgraded as the player levels up. Using these powers also uses up mana. Players start off the game with 10 mana and it recharges over time. This process can be made faster by making followers worship at the totem pole/shrine. Players gain experience by completing different goals and by using powers and gaining gold. Gold is gained by making followers farm, eventually these followers will become exhausted and can be taken to certain buildings to recharge. Players can also gain money by zooming out of their planet and visiting friends' planets. There they can enchant followers which brings in money for the player and the owner of the follower enchanted. Players can purchase awe as a paid download. Awe can be used to speed up farming and building and can also be used to purchase items. It also includes the Plus+ network.

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